정준섭(Joonsup Jeong)
정준섭(Joonsup Jeong)
Implemented digit detector in natural scene using resnet50 and Yolo-v2. I used SVHN as the training set, and implemented it using tensorflow and keras.
Deep-digit-detector (and recognizer) in natural scene. A digit detection framework was implemented using keras with tensorflow backend.
Yolo-v3 model was implemented with tf2 eager style. I also implemented the eager model's training function and applied it to other datasets (digit detector, vehicle detector).
Implementation of semantic segmentation of FCN structure using kitti road dataset. I used a tensorflow and implemented a segmentation algorithm with a mean-iou score of 0.944.
Implemented digit detector in natural scene. I used SVHN as the training set, and implemented it using keras-retinanet.
This project provides the svhn dataset in PASCAL VOC Annotation Format and simple viewer tool to confirm annotation.
I implemented Vehicle Detection and Tracking algorithm using HOG, SVM, and Kalman filter. This is Udacity Self-Driving CarND Term 1 Project 5: Video for vehicle detection and tracking.
I implemented a detection algorithm with a classification data set that does not have annotation information for the bounding box. Based on resnet50 network, I implemented text detector using class ac...