Hi @c-d-leonard , I can extend the existing notebook where we compare CCL, NumCosmo and Colossus (regarding the halo profiles), and also create new jupyter notebboks to test these functions....
No problem @c-d-leonard . :) CCL, NumCosmo and Colossus implements the 3D densities, the projected mass density and the excess suface mass density (CCL implements the cumulative). All three implement...
Hi @c-d-leonard , as we discussed today, I would like to create a list of the cross-check/benchmarks we need to do (at least those for CCL paper 2). Should we...
Hi @c-d-leonard , sorry for my delay now. In principle, I would like to cross-check all CCL functionalities with NumCosmo (and other libraries). So we can create a general list....
Hi @c-d-leonard , that would be great.
Hi @mShuntov , We have cross-checked CCL with other libraries (NumCosmo and Colossus), and we verified that just the analytic NFW projected functions present good match (the relative difference varies...