
Results 15 comments of d_b


> 你需要下载项目的index.html 只能在谷歌打开index.html? 我在火狐浏览器打开错误 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34937085/82750524-4771d180-9de3-11ea-9f4e-8074202d6166.png)

> `python -m http.server` 是启动一个Web服务器 > > 你在项目目录下运行这个就可以[http://localhost/index.html](http://localhost/index.html)打开了,你那是直接打开文件 就是遍历window对象,把属性全部保存成json文件 请问在selenium中怎么使用这个json文件,添加到selenium中? 在selenium添加所有的浏览器的属性,保存在json文件中的都是浏览器的属性吧


现在是每隔3分钟,如果没有任何UI操作的话,会关掉uiautomator服务。释放可访问性服务的占用。 不过貌似很多人对这个不太理解。要不改成3小时好了。 我认为时间长一些, 3分钟太短了,遇到网络问题,比如上传视频网络不好,需要等待很久,我认为30分钟比较合理了

> no code to recreate this error? only reason i see that could cause this is that you ran too many request threads. I use multithreading for scraping. Encountered this...

Enable multi-threaded sending requests in multiple processes. An error was encountered. Never returned.

I have this problem. Is there a solution? internal buffer error : Memory allocation failed : growing buffer fatal error: runtime: C malloc failed

> *还请注意,repo 未处于工作状态,测试工作(因此您可以直接使用自定义 sslcontext+sslsocket 发出请求)但实际上修补现有请求目前不起作用 Hello Can't be used in actual work now? Is there a way to modify the ja3 fingerprint? At present, only ja3hash can be modified, but...

This is ja3 for chrome browser: {"ja3_hash":"b32309a26951912be7dba376398abc3b", "ja3": "771,4865-4866-4867-49195-49199-49196-49200-52393-52392-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-23-65281-10-11-35-16-5-13-18-51-45-43-27-21,29-23-24,0", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"} This is the modified ja3 of requests: {"ja3_hash":"1a54934b288b10d34b099b71f1b88d0d",...