Stas Parshin
Stas Parshin
Make deploy button for heroku template
Call all methods as bot methods: ```java SendResponse response = bot.sendMessage(chatId, "Hello") .parseMode(ParseMode.Markdown) .execute(); ``` Async ```java bot.sendMessage(chatId, "Hello") .parseMode(ParseMode.Markdown) .execute(callback); ``` `execute(callback)` or `execute(onSuccess, onFailure)`?
Client just call `scaleView.initWith(map: GoogleMap)` when map is ready. This method will set all camera move listeners and pass data to scaleView. Maybe add lifecycle param to support unregistering listeners...
Unit tests for model. Is it possible/necessary to add UI tests?
Hi, What do you think about synchronous initialization? I know that you rewrite it to async, but in my case I need it to be synchronous. For example, I want...