Penn Su

Results 26 issues of Penn Su

I noticed that my boot2docker by default automount /Users on the boot2docker-vm. This guide doesn't exactly enlightening that for existing boot2docker users they should destroy their vm and make sure...

help wanted

With the drastic change of syntax and api in the newer version, this library would not work out of box.

### Summary I'm not sure if this is in progress or if it is a bug, but somehow I am getting postgraphile error when I am using brianc/node-pg-copy-streams to copy...

⚛️ compatibility

I'm submitting a ... - [ ] bug report - [x] feature request - [ ] question Right now any custom procedure that returns a "setof" gets the relay style...

✨ feature
✅ plugin-available

Using vimr with nerd font and added vim plugin `Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'` to show the file extensions. It shows up nicely in statify (another vim plugin) But it got cut off...

bug Allow us to enable "mode: 'no-cors'" would be awesome.

I have solved the issue myself but I thought it can be better. It is good that it throws an error about it but the cryptic error message like this...


The original temporary cache directory is not readable since you cannot do playback what you just recorded in the camera app. Likewise causing the path not available after the the...

platform: android

Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Disable HTML5 Autoplay! BEFORE YOU PROCEED, please read the following: Also, make sure to have consulted [the Wiki]( first; especially [the...

rails-assets-angular-scroll-pane depends on "jscrollpane" but jscrollpane pointing to "jScrollPane" at And even though in bundle it would say "Installing rails-assets-jscrollpane 2.0.23", and installed, when running "rails s" it will...