Penn Su

Results 66 comments of Penn Su

Fixed it with those two steps 1. [OPTIONAL] Change tsconfig.json, from node to node16 (moduleResolution) ``` "module": "esnext", "moduleResolution": "node16", "resolveJsonModule": true, ``` Looks like this step isn't needed. but...

> looking forward to the enhancement. For anyone interested in using `vim-visual-multi` as a temp solution, please check out: [#409 (comment)]( Thanks! still buggy when trying to edit selections but...

Well, if that's the case, it shouldn't be called workspace, it should be called lsp-wide instead. this is misleading.

I had a way to use jwt strategy to work with session by default in latest next-auth

Middlware still doesn't work nextjs 13.1.1 next-auth 4.18.3

Still having issues with default `export { default } from "next-auth/middleware"` I ends up having to use server side props in nextjs to simply check for existence of session

Is this resolved? or is it still going to install stale content?

> > Is this resolved? or is it still going to install stale content? > > It seems there is no reason to assume, that this will ever be fixed...

Sound like a good idea to have this DX. Please support if possible. Thanks!