Paul Emsley
Paul Emsley
This is a problem with running configure - or maybe automake or autoconf I think. Are you using build-it-3-3? If you wish to pursue this, let's see the output of...
@zxianren See build-it-3-3 for an example of the arguments to pass to coot's configure (towards the end of the file). Please try with 1.0.04.
OK, Noted. I will try to fix this.
Hi YoshitakaMo, I just saw this. Usually the way to communicate with me is via email or the Coot mailing list. However, I see that Github is increasingly being use...
> I successfully installed Gtk3-Coot on my Intel Mac with Homebrew Congratulations. To test that the refinement works, click on the blue circle/sphere on the right and then click on...
> I was able to start COOT from /usr/local/opt/coot/libexec/coot-bin, but map and model were displayed at the bottom left and I could not select atoms properly. Indeed! I was wondering...
> So you have fixed it but not yet pushed? It was not pushed because it was not coded up with on-Mac-only test. I intend to make an update shortly...
I have pushed a simple-minded fix for the widget size vs framebuffer size problem (by by-passing the AO framebuffer). But it is not the same one that @YoshitakaMo has used...
Hmm.. Please use the argument `--gtkbuilder` In order to get the Python gui working I need to `setenv GI_TYPELIB_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0` For you that will be somewhat different of course.
> What is this option for? With `--gtkbuilder` the gui is generated (on the fly) from the builder/glade file, not from the ancient gtk2-interface.c - it's a large code path...