After some research we discovered that our Problem is that the init function is never called and the the variable initialized_ is never set to true. Maybe now anybody can...
Thank for the hint, the init is done and we get an output. But there we have a new issue. The ouput stays constantly at zero for position and orientation...
Thanks for ur answer. We have set all parameters like described in the tutorial. Mav_framwork is running and delivering data which appears to be right.
We already have mappped ekf_state_out to hl_state_input (see our qt_graph which is attached to our first post). You have any more hints, whats the reason for our problem?
Hey again, at first thanks for your hints, we got the issue fixed (got an Mistake in the parameter file). With the setup of the camera we got an further...
Hey again, we got a woking setup with a camera bound upward. But our camera is aktually looking sideways (directed to positive y). But we want the camera to look...