Peleg Michaeli
Peleg Michaeli
On Ubuntu 14.04.2, ``` bash sudo ./install-tl-ubuntu --hebrew --more-tex ``` results ``` logname: no login name ``` It is followed by another error (?) message a bit later: ``` sudo:...
For example, after equation (1) here: **Problem details** An equation reference is expected. Instead, it reads `\reftagform@1`. **Desktop** - OS: Ubuntu 20.04 - Browser: Firefox 96.0 **Screenshot** ![Screenshot from...
**Exact location of issue** For example, in the first section of **Problem details** I expected to see something when hovering (or clicking) the reference `[EFLS95]` (for example), but nothing...
It would be nice to incorporate the stats package of sympy into gamma, in order to allow using `Bernoulli`, `Binomial`, 'Normal`,`variance`, etc.
See for example [here]( and [here]( The first section just writes the python object
The line ``` f = open(options.outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') ``` does not work in Python 2.7. I think this is a result of this commit: de35cbb39f28f6903220f8c7568b95907c64ee40
**Exact location of issue** A red ` \BibSpecAlias ` appears at the top left of [the paper]( **Problem details** Unclear what this `\BibSpecAlias` is. **(Optional) Expected behavior** It should probably...
**Exact location of issue** Second display in Section 2.1; see [2311.14451v2]( `\@arstrut` **Problem details** The display is not presented correctly. In particular, a red `\@arstrutuv\\` appears there. **(Optional) Expected behavior**...
In this block on the top left of the map view, I can't fold the Filters section, as it overlaps with a "back" button (whose functionality is not completely clear...
The current marker rules only read note tags. In my workflow, I don't usually use tags, but rather properties (e.g., instead of `tags:\n - campingsite` I use `types:\n - "[[Camping...