Marcos Orso
Marcos Orso
Hello. In the meantime, is there a way to get an auto-numbering column? thanks, great app.
Hi, news?. This is a must to have future for me. Please. Thanks
I´ve same issue,
Hello news? I also have the same problem with filters. It limits its use a lot in my case. Regards
Hi. I try with docker version and same issue. This is the log for the error in docker. 2024-03-03 01:47:44 {"level":"info","message":"acl parsedParams","meta":{},"module":"t_eadfxhlv8jv","submodule":"list","method":"","app":"main","reqId":"b9d2a1d0-c593-4647-9f77-611464e7e2df","timestamp":"2024-03-03 04:47:44"} 2024-03-03 01:47:44 {"level":"error","message":"Invalid Date \"2024-03-03T00:00:00.000Z--3:00\"","meta":{"err":"Error: Invalid Date...
Same issue in discussion #1767 and #1771
Hi. Any update? Thanks
Hi, news?
> Complete domain name required Hi. Here you can see that when I change to one slash, the short link work well.