Apparently the kernel error it gives me (in debug option) is 0x0.
I use qemu-system-x86_64, and -fda with the Lemon OS .img file provided in the releases, i'm on Apple Silicon.
> Look at the QEMU command provided in the readme, make sure you've given it enough RAM and use `-M q35`. You should not use '`-fda` it is NOT a...
I think he used the default settings for host cpu emulation so in his case intel.
Excuse me if i'm false, and correct me if needed.
But by what
*btw this isn't an actual rootkit but a backdoor* *sound intensifies* Yeah i think you got scammed.
Why don't you make back fox mm and let it at its place and why you put tons of ads on ur website coz github pages exist anyways so no...