Perry Smith

Results 14 comments of Perry Smith

To help clarify (based upon my experiments -- please verify) There seems to be three of these: `~/Documents`, `~/Desktop`, and `~/Downloads` ... I'm surprised `~/Downloads` is in there because its...

Which kinda confirms that its the start up script. Just to let this side of the world know -- I updated to 10.15.1 and did **not** hit any problems. Go...

> Can someone who has this issue try [the nightly build from 2022-04-05]( I believe it can help in this case but I don't use iCloud for `~/Documents` so I...

I'm glad I finally found this issue. I'm going to guess / hope that this is what I'm seeing. In my rspec files, there is a `require 'rails_helper'` line which...

Note... I have comments in my init.el file that say that sub.el use to set it to a constant. I don't have any idea how old that comment is but...

The deprecation of `ActiveRecord::Base#schema_file` was done on Dec 29, 2020 in commit [3688a2e01a471acacd13b54eddf57e97d24466f8]( -- 14+ months ago. Not a super long time for folks to adjust be I guess it...

I found how to list all the processes. That looks normal: ``` % docker top 1b6f6f0741c9 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD 999 64394 64369 0 00:29 ?...

I use to use rvm and regret it. At least once the update was "delete everything and start over". And I never got them to pull in fixes to their...

Escape colon M-: and then type in the lisp you want to evaluate. Many variables are buffer specific so start while in the buffer where you are doing your work....