
Results 8 comments of Pedro

> Can you try doing `su -m user`? Does that solve the problem? It does solve the problem, it doesn't try to write to /root/, but then znap + auto-complete...

No. It only shows the default `phlm%` prompt. Do you think it's some misconfiguration? I could also send some log files (the ones that were able to be written) Also,...

Ok, so I don't understand why `set -xv >/tmp/zsh.log` is not working when doing `sudo su` > `su phlm` , I had to manually copy my terminal. The log i...

> Your [zsh-autocomplete.log]( is 0 KB. Did your upload fail somehow? Now it uploaded correctly [zsh-autocomplete.log](, I did `su phlm` at the end to stop the loop. > What happens...

I commented out everything and did the test 4 times: [no-autocomplete with set -vx after sourcing znap.zsh]( [no-autocomplete and set -vx before sourcing znap.zsh ]( [with autocomplete enabled, with set...

What is "XDG_CACHE_HOME", "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" and "XDG_DATA_HOME" used for? I added export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config export XDG_DATA_HOME=~/.local/share At the beginning of my .zshrc and no errors or infinite loops occur

/home/phlm '' '' '' ~ $ sudo su [sudo] password for phlm: ~ # su phlm /home/phlm /root/.cache /root/.config /root/.local/share

Zsh has its own `zsh` folder inside `/etc/`, with ```-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1295 Feb 12 2022 newuser.zshrc.recommended -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 344 Feb 12 2022 zlogin -rw-r--r-- 1 root...