Pedro Vicente
Pedro Vicente
In SQL I can INSERT a row in a database with a VARCHAR SQL type column named 'col1' with `std::string my_template = "INSERT INTO [my_table] (col1) VALUES ('my_value');"` To note...
when using the library with the static settings on a project `cmake ../../xlnt-1.5.0 -DSTATIC_CRT=ON -DSTATIC=ON` I have link errors > error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __cdecl xlnt::column_properties::column_properties(void)" that...
## Environment * nanodbc version: master branch * DBMS name/version: unixODBC * ODBC connection string: * OS and Compiler: * CMake settings: ## Actual behavior ## Expected behavior ## Minimal...
to include in a cmake project, it seems 2 header locations are needed ? ``` include_directories(nonius-1.1.2/include/nonius) include_directories(nonius-1.1.2/include) ```
is it possible to have a feature to disable boost with a macro? #include for a header only library , having a boost dependency seems counter intuitive
I was experimenting to build a basic example with a client and a server using Asio standalone, but the CMake script forces the use of Boost for the examples `option...
Order lists by GitHub number of stars, to see which one is the top rated . Ideally by programming languages too, or a matrix of features.
the HTTP GET Request Parameter for "keywords" does not accept a "," or a "-" (separator or exclusion) this returns a JSON error `GET /v1/news?access_key=1234&countries=us,au&languages=en&sources=business,-sports&sources=cnn,-bbc&date=2020-8-24,2020-12-31&limit=1&keywords=virus,-boston HTTP/1.0` but this is OK...
Added a CMakeLists.txt to allow build with CMake (tested Mac, Linux, Windows) To build `./`
This is a simple prototype to add a CMake build It builds the 'bind' example using hardcoded paths for Microsoft WebView2. WebView2 was downloaded using the build script 'build.bat', but...