Phil Burrows

Results 7 issues of Phil Burrows

Once [River]( is ready, we'll use that as the basis for our gRPC support.


One should be able to use Diplomat as an Ecto adapter for Datastore. Lots of work to do here, especially around query generation and all that, but once we get...


Attempting to push something like: ```elixir %{"my.key" => "value"} ``` Will result in the following error: ```elixir {:error, %Diplomat.Proto.Status{code: 3, details: [], message: " contains a path delimiter, \ and...

Once we have a decent http/2 client library & protocol buffer support added, we should switch to gRPC.

The project can now be specified on a topic or subscription, and Kane.Client calls now accept :account and :sub options that will be passed through to `Goth.Token.for_scope/2` when retrieving a...

`1.0.0` of jwt was released over two years ago, and the most recent version (released in March) is `1.5.4`. Simply put, this PR allows for people to use recent versions...

Since updating to 0.3.1, all files open in a new window instead of in the project window. This is a major annoyance and is essentially making the plugin unusable.
