Ratchanan Srirattanamet

Results 29 issues of Ratchanan Srirattanamet

Xml2Js is made to support outputting Date object as XML's dateTime, which is an ISO8601 format string. So, Date's toISOString() is used. P.S.: I'm not sure how to document this,...

Recent update in TS add `signal` property to `AddOptions` interface [1]. Over there, the definition is: ```ts signal?: AbortSignal; ``` You'll notice that `null` is not in the definition. This...

Currently, we're unable to precisely represent a value bigger than `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 2 ** 53`. ```js const gi = require('node-gtk') const Gst = gi.require('Gst', '1.0') console.log(Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE) // Should print: 18446744073709551615...

This is done by making V8ToGIArgument() accept the transfer status and react accordingly. I does not make the new argument optional; this forces me into thinking about the appropriate value...

I'm not sure if this is the best way to reproduce/detect it, but please bear with me. 1. Install gdb, valgrind and gstreamer's debugging symbol (for Ubuntu 20.04, it's `libgstreamer1.0-0-dbg`)....

While investing some code for #302, I noticed that node-gtk doesn't seem to take argument's transfer mode into account while filing `GIArgument`. So, I wrote a test case to test...

For example, this is the index.d.ts of firebase: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/blob/master/packages/firebase/index.d.ts And here's what flowgen outputs: ``` declare module.exports: typeof firebase ``` Which is obviously unusable. From the readme, it's stated that...

# Issue Report # ## Bug ## The kernel's memory usage on a DigitalOcean's 1 GB droplet with CoreOS rises up to an unreasonable level after leaving the machine on...

Brother MFC-J430W is a printer which support AirPrint. The system is Ubuntu 20.04, running cups-snap in system mode. The snap is built from the git tip, plus https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups-snap/pull/10 which fixes...

In addition to #492, we need to document changes that come with Focal in the view of porters. Many changes are due to our migration to Systemd init system. The...