This is how this works in Ramble: ramble repo add ramble unit-test -k known_applications Near-term: perform the ramble unit-test in a benchpark workspace, with a list of applications (perhaps...
- How to curate a suite - How to report what is in a suite
Working to add a new problem definition for GROMACS. Will upstream to Ramble at a later point.
Example: This should probably be under "Contributing" - should it be called "Adding a library interface"? @becker33 Is this necessary when: - a benchmark has a dependence that is...
- Need to be able to set buildable to false. - Cleaning up syntax on Tioga, need to test if it changes the behavior of Spack. - Need to verify...
- Greg's commit is an early prototype (with outstanding to do's) for getting handles from an application. We need to develop this further. - Is getting handles from a system...
With current AMG package definition and without magic wrappers, we are somehow linking to Fortran and getting the following error: configure: error: linking to Fortran libraries from C fails Possible...