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GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages 🚀 Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly.

Results 85 actions-gh-pages issues
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When publishing a directory without any dotfiles, we have an error `cp: no such file or directory` from cp in the output. This should fix that by using a glob...

### Checklist - [X] I am using the latest version of this action. - [X] I have read the latest README and followed the instructions. - [X] I have read...


### Checklist - [X] I am using the latest version of this action. - [X] I have read the latest README and followed the instructions. - [X] I have read...


### Checklist - [X] I am using the latest version of this action. - [X] I have read the latest README and followed the instructions. - [X] I have read...


This PR is a revision of #679, allowing to deploy on GHES repositories using deploy keys. - Found that simple error code checking does not handle the case when `ssh-keyscan`...

github action runners can be self-hosted. i am running one inside my server. turns out, the github action cannot just assume that it's the only one who's using the server's...

Related to > > Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ''using: node14' is not supported, use 'docker' or 'node12' instead.')

- [x] ci: Change macos-latest to macos-10.15 - [x] ci: Change windows-latest to windows-2019 - [x] ci: Add macos-11.0 (macOS Big Sur 11.0) - [ ] docs: Add macos-11.0 (macOS...