Ilya Ezy
Ilya Ezy
Hello @Yashg2001 Please try to do these steps: 1) In YouRNProject/android directory run command ``` ./gradlew clean``` 2) In YouRNProject directory run command ```rm -rf node_modules``` 3) Check that you...
Hello @badal-ag Expo provides two workflows [ (Managed and Bare)]( Voximplant React Native SDK uses native modules, that's why React Native application (based on Expo) should use only Bare workflow....
Hello @ketanb24 ! You can check realization main piece SDK API in ours React Native [Voximplant Demo Projects]( You need to do something like that: ``` import {Voximplant} from 'react-native-voximplant';...
@rajendrabhole Hi try to use somethink like that you native module - (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue { return dispatch_get_main_queue(); } ....... setMetadataObjectsDelegate: (NSOperationQueue *)[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] ......