Ilya Ezy
Ilya Ezy
Hello @MEsteves22! Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce the issue. Could you please provide step-by-step scenario to reproduce this issue? Could you please also let us know if you observe this issue...
Hello @alexanderoskin ! To enable bitcode in your project, you need to do the following steps: 1) Enable Bitcode on Xcode Project->Build Options->Enable Bitcode 2) Download a required Voximplant iOS...
Hello @alexanderoskin ! Could you please provide the following information: 1. Are android.useAndroidX and android.enableJetifier enabled in your Project->android-> file? 2. How do you build your android app (from Android...
Hello @alexanderoskin, It seems the build failure is related to the issue with jetifier process while building the android app. Please check the Android gradle plugin version is 4.0.0 or...
Hello @yash-007 Expo provides two workflows (Managed and Bare). Voximplant React Native SDK uses native modules, that’s why React Native application (based on Expo) should use only Bare workflow. It...
Hello! @torretorich You can use `sendAudio` method on instance current Call with param true/false - that says about send audio or not. For more information you can check our [docs](
Hello! @torretorich You have some issues in code: 1) `CallSettings` don't have audio parameters, you may check correct parameters in our [docs]( 2) To mute audio in the call, it...
Hello @torretorich ! We glad to help you, you can check realization main piece SDK API in ours React Native [Voximplant Demo Projects]( You need to do something like that:...
Hello @torretorich ! We glad to help you, you can check realization main piece SDK API in ours React Native [Voximplant Demo Projects]( You need to do something like that:...
Hello @Yashg2001 Do you use Expo or pure react-native flow?