P.D. Reiter
P.D. Reiter
Looks like related to Issue #339
development is occurring on branch `mpt_dj` => subbranch `heldout_test-dev`
This is relevant to [butrs-red-team-evaluation/issues/54](https://github.com/squaresLab/butrs-red-team-evaluation/issues/54)
Based on conversation with @ChrisTimperley - an alternative strategy would be to use darjeeling as an interface to the docker container to evaluate patches.
I'll be retooling this approach to reduce the impact to existing darjeeling.
Attached is the STDOUT from the darjeeling run [large file, gzip'd] [anonymized.debug.log.gz](https://github.com/squaresLab/Darjeeling/files/3331665/anonymized.debug.log.gz)
Follow-up : reducing the population size to 50 from 200 did not prevent the ConnectionError from occurring, but did prolong the time before the Error occurred.
the `Abort` condition occurs at `minimization.ml @ 162 let m = Cdiff.mapping node_map t1 t2 in`
I had this same issue ----- I think I notated the solution as follows: make sure you run `make clean` in the test directory - i think the committed output...
How to duplicate [minimal case] @jlacomis : 1) Build manybugs bug `gzip-2009-09-26-a1d3d4019d-f17cbd13a1` 2) Launch bugzoo container `--with genprog` for `gzip-2009-09-26-a1d3d4019d-f17cbd13a1` 3) Run ```echo "a(485,306)" > test.0.incoming.txt && genprog configuration-default --minimization...