Patrick Dinklage
Patrick Dinklage
I am currently doing time benchmarks in my Thrill applications and got into a fight with Thrill's lazy evaluation. To break my problem down, you can think of my application...
I construct a data structure in a DIA and save it to a file using `WriteBinary`. This results in many files, as the DIA is apparently being split up (one...
I am running a Thrill application in my university's cluster using `run/slurm/`. It works, but getting it to work had me face and resolve the following issues: 1. The script...
A search bar could ease up navigating the site by indexing awards, player names, maybe UUIDs and more.
The award appears twice because the old version (pre-20w09a) is set as a minimum for the new version while it should be the maximum.
For large servers with many players, updates may be sped up somewhat by skipping players whose stat file has not changed since the last update. However, data has to be...
On player and award pages, add navigation elements to the next and previous award (lexicographically) or player (in what order?), respectively, to make browsing a little easier without having to...
> A MinecraftStat object consists of an ID, some meta information (title, description and a unit for statistic values) and a StatReader. This information is outdated, as all texts displayed...
The [license of the Zpix font](, which is used for the Chinese localization, requires payment of a license fee for commercial products. This must be noted in the documentation, because...
Several times already, people asked for a Bukkit plugin. There will _not_ be an official port of _MinecraftStats_ to Java or to a Bukkit plugin, and vanilla Minecraft servers must...