Paul D. Hahn

Results 10 issues of Paul D. Hahn

Please add a tree widget class to your GUI API. Ideally, each tree item would have more than one column of displayable data, where the number of columns can be...

help wanted

Similar to boostraps using wxWidgets or Qt, please add a case using FLTK 1.4.

Please modify the OCCA API so that user calls to OCCA kernels (within user application code) are multithread-safe. Right now, the calling arguments are stored in class `modeKernel_t` member `arguments`....

thread safety

Until recently, all of my OCCA kernel code was used internally by my company. But now, together with my applications, I will need to deploy / distribute externally only the...

The user should be able to call OCCA functions not just OCCA kernels via the OCCA API. Of course, I mean OCCA functions (vs. kernels) defined in the .okl files....


It would be very useful in OKL for the programmer to have the ability to invoke the (or a) nested kernel defined in a different OCCA kernel routine. This would...


I have just started using pocl for an implementation of OpenCL on CPU. I use the NVidia OpenCL 1.2 implementation on GPU. In many of my kernsls, I have OpenCL...

contributions welcome

FYI today I get this error when building OCCA (commit 7add235) on my legacy CentOS 6 machine (64 bit Intel Xeons) using gcc 5.1: ``` [ 4%] Building CXX object...


When I build OCCA with examples enabled (via cmake) I get some but not all. In particular, I do not get `cpp/15_finite_difference` and `cpp/16_mandelbulb`. Since it is not clear how...

Please add support to VL for FLTK -- preferably, for the latest 1.4 version. Please also add corresponding example/test files. Subclassing the FLTK Fl_GL_Window class, including translation between FLTK VL...