Hi, Thanks for this precious info. However if I create a new subfolder in /var/www when I run install I stil have same permission deny. he user is always www-data...
Install.sh creates lot of files in the newly created subfolder, but the same issue occurs when install tries to install files in the subdirectory "macro". Always "permissions denied". I begin...
I've installed a new raspbian version lite (bullseye). I"ve activated the legacy camera. I still encounter issues with permissions denied on the macro subfolder _sh: 1: /var/www/html/macros/error_hard.sh: Permission denied mmal:...
I've again created another raspbian vesrion : Buster instead of Bullseye. with this version and with camera activated in raspi-config the installation worked without any issue and tha appli works...
I'll perhap make other tries with Bullseye when I'll have time to do that. I had already tried with enabling Camera legacy manually in raspi-config, and also without enabling it....
Hi Robert, You're true. I had deleted my message because I had found the source of the issue. I think that it was due to the small micro ribbon near...
Ok, that means that I have to edit the annotation with %i when i want to record photod and edit again with %v when I let RCWI use motion detection...
Thanks for these infos. The echo command works perfectly well on my Raspberry config. I should receive tomorrow my PIR sensor and I'll connect it o the GPIO pins. What...
Hi Robert, Yes I have python scripts that use PIR for test and display messages like "motion detected". But how to use the PIR or the script in order to...
Hi, I've received my PIR. I made test with a python script and that works fine. But I tried to include your lines for fifo , and the script returns...