Philip Deljanov

Results 4 issues of Philip Deljanov

A buildable 2.10.4 patch is present in the freetype-2.10.4 branch of this repository. However, it fails to render glyphs at runtime resulting in segfaults for QT apps and broken rendering...

help wanted

Chrome and Chromium-based browsers or applications do not use the system FreeType library. Therefore these applications don't get the Infinality improvements. There isn't much that can be done unfortunately other...


Hi All, As some of you may have noticed, my response time to new issues and pull requests has been slow. This is mainly for two reasons. First, over the...

help wanted

The initial scan of top-level atoms in `IsoMp4Reader::try_new` can be slow if the `MediaSource` is slow to read and seek. This is particularly bad with fragmented MP4s where there are...
