I think I have an (incomplete) version of auto embedding for QIs working!
I have a patch on the html problem! The problem is on lines 1215 and 2443 of workspacetable.py and affects two tables: GateVsTargetTable and GateEigenvalueTable. I think both appear in...
Additional feature requests (not urgent and may require some thought): - [ ] Calculating instrument error metrics which are currently blank - [ ] Calculating germ details for instrument and...
I think I found the root bug for the non-JSONable instruments on IBMQExperiment.write(). The processor spec associated with the initial StandardGSTDesign includes the instrument in a non-JSONable form in 'nonstd_instruments.'...
More complete bug report for the above (gives a non-working example of the ProtocolData error message): [nonstd_gates_and_instruments_bugs_new.ipynb.zip](https://github.com/pyGSTio/pyGSTi/files/13073147/nonstd_gates_and_instruments_bugs_new.ipynb.zip)
@sserita It looks like the pspec instrument bug never really died. I made a mistake while testing it and it appears there's some subtle differences in the pspec after loading...
I just implemented some fixes (not yet committed) for text wrapping of the hover labels.
@sserita Just rearranged and added the three issues we discussed.
Hi Stefan--that branch was a roadmap that Erik sketched out for me when I ran into this issue. My branch has this fix as well as others to handle different...
I encountered this bug while running an experiment on IBM where I'd performed fiducial selection to generate 2Q fiducials. It meant that I did not receive 2 outcomes for several...