Patrick Ting
Patrick Ting
i haven't tried type assertions; i'm not 100% certain how the code will behave with the current implementation. type conversion might be possible since all the class structs have the...
the complexity of dealing with which struct to wrap around the GodotObject will be done under the hood. in the end, it'll look more like this: ``` scene := p.GetNode(gdnative.NodePath("somepath/object")).(PackedScene)...
closing this out as i've deprecated the godot 3.x work favor of godot 4
@ekozan i haven't worked with struct annotations before, but your approach seems reasonable. a couple things i want to mention: 1. i'm also thinking we should renamed the tag from...
the C headers parsing provides 2 things: 1. 95% of `godot_headers` contains function pointers because of the exposed C structs and CGo doesn't support calling function pointers; you have to...
closing this out as i've deprecated the godot 3.x work favor of godot 4
sorry for the long hiatus. i'm currently focused on restarting the project but building godot-go on the godot 4 gdextension api. if you check out the master branch, i've pushed...
it looks like godot isn't loading the compiled native shared library file. you need at minimum this file: ``` godot-go$ cat test/demo/.godot/extension_list.cfg res://example.gdextension ``` this cfg file tells godot to...
@mrwormhole any updates? maybe something i can help with?
> @pcting make build works, make test works without crash. hurray! thanks for confirming that someone besides me has successfully run the code :+1: > ci_gen_test_project_files crashes and I can...