Pierre Chiquet
Pierre Chiquet
GeoDjango expects a file in `GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH`, `GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PROJ4_LIBRARY_PATH` settings, not a directory. (see the doc: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/install/geolibs/#geoslibrarypath) So you should write the following lines in settings.py: ``` from os import...
> OK I guess this can be accepted to let 3rd party ext to add custom functionality. but would be great if we can add some tests I have just...
> It is still possible to call the `.for_validated_user` method on every user (also disabled ones). yes, because `for_validated_user` is just a rename of the old `for_user` method. What has...