Pierre Champion

Results 84 comments of Pierre Champion

Progress on #102 has been made. The Texture api is in beta release (use `hover run -b '@beta'` to test it) The [texture_tutorial](https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/examples/tree/master/texture_tutorial) has been updated with a video example....

@joeblew99 hasn't reported back so I don't think he has made progress on this. As for go-flutter-desktop maintainers, it's not manageable to implement all plugins by ourselves, we believe the...

In my above comment I referenced gocv

Awesome, don't hesitate to submit a PR on https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/plugins once you have something working!

I don't understand the question, hover has a `hover upgrade` to upgrade the go-flutter dependency. Do you want a `hover plugin upgrade` command?

No we don't have any plan on adding such features. But soon with #265 and https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/plugins/pull/26 users (devs) will have the ability to query PlatformVersion (go-flutter version) and ProjectVersion (version...

Go flutter doesn't support accessibility; the flutter accessibility is handled through a plugin, and currently, we are silencing it: https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/go-flutter/blob/master/accessibility.go I don't know how accessibility works on android/ios to give...

I would love to be able to modify the tool-tip text using the current script probes.

Imagine you need to run some command in another container to generate a report. Including a prepackaged Docker client that shares `/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro` with the host would be out of great...

Can it be possible to unlock the "Additional login screen" if the `unlock_password_photos_with_url_param` config is on and the `?password=xxxx` url param is provided. I'll like to have this feature. That...