Pierre Champion

Results 84 comments of Pierre Champion

What should we do? I/We cannot keep up with the pace at which google is pushing modification. Sadly this one is a breaking one. I haven't looked at the how...

I'm not supporting adding new feature/refactoring parts of the go-flutter project. The core functionality of go-flutter project still works, even though many features have been added to Flutter. I'm happy...

I know that pressing the `Calc` key on my keyboard triggers the GLFW error from: https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/go-flutter/blob/fa6a0c7f740169f654d2996ec60d3dc2b4a0fb00/internal/keyboard/keyboard.go#L68 But I have no idea where this issue comes from..

Yes WE can, but work needs to be made on: #102 #103. Once those issues are resolved we could implement the [plugin](https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/plugins)

Progress on #102 has been made. The Texture api is in beta release (use `hover run -b '@beta'` to test it) The [texture_tutorial](https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/examples/tree/feature/gl_texture/texture_tutorial) has been updated with a video example....

Looking for maintainer: A first implementation is available at: https://github.com/go-flutter-desktop/plugins/tree/master/video_player A partial rewrite needs to be done, more info in the video_player's readme.

@j4qfrost I'll take a look at this once I have more time. It's awesome to see someone working on this subject!

I don't time at the moment, I'm very sorry but I can't help. To track the memory leaks we can use valgrind, but it will interfere with the C-based engine.

@j4qfrost I'm not sure why they call this callback manually. ALSO, I've removed this the `destruction_callback` from go-flutter because it wasn't working, and I didn't really know what to do...

last time I checked flutter-rs I saw those 2 commits: * https://github.com/flutter-rs/flutter-rs/commit/de491a29e878c62fd4bd01f170bdf2709b716283 * https://github.com/flutter-rs/flutter-rs/commit/2c9d208bcbef3b997d8749a8de6ac7a2f66722bf The high CPU usage might of come from their event loop, not their texture ABI. On...