Pedro Gomes
Pedro Gomes
I'll prune this branch if there are no updates
Just to be sure, you tried the develop branch right? Please provide everything necessary to run the case, just the configs is not enough to reproduce the issue.
Can you provide the rest of the files @LorenzSLH?
You need to change the .yml files for the dropdown menus
It the files are all in master, then merge this to master instead, and you can directly check if everything is ok
in your type config file do: ``` #ifdef MLP_CUSTOM_TYPE using mlpdouble = MLP_CUSTOM_TYPE; #else using mlpdouble = double; #endif ``` in SU2 before the first MLP include do: ``` #define...
Can you describe how the functions and modes you are adding are used? Maybe a python example would help. It seems a lot of this exists in the disc adj...
Sounds good, with that it will be easier to reason about when the recording types are created and used, right now someone would have to sit down and reverse-engineer the...
It would be better to modify the grid velocity computation instead of modifying the boundary conditions.
There is an open PR where the moving wall functions are called more often, instead of just at the start. That may already fix this issue.