Pedro Gomes
Pedro Gomes
It needs cleanup @jtneedels, but it had potential to also solve #1125 so I'm in favor.
Yep, having the implementation in CFVMFlowSolverBase should be enough. And I think there were some geometry modifications that need to be moved to one of the geometry classes, to make...
Why did you introduce supersonic-specific options? The inlet file allows specifying profiles for all markers, and a marker will not have 2 boundary conditions. From what I saw we just...
I see, that should not be necessary because internally we can check that the marker is supersonic instead of subsonic and give the values a different interpretation. The incompressible solver...
Yeah... I had not tested discrete adjoint but my spider senses were tingling.
Some issues were fixes is version 7.2.0 related with axisymmetry. Give it a try please.
Correction, they were fixed in the develop branch, not released yet #1366
Have you tried different gradient methods? Green-Gauss v Weighted Least Squares
Trying to leave something other than the usual "go away stale bot", one theory from the last dev meeting is that the gradients used in the axisymmetric source may need...