
Results 9 comments of pc8181

is that fixed 2018 i just download and test the same i got gray color not white in color wheel.

Thanks for your reply sir... added two form, Form2 is better look,, but Form1 has extra space like title bar. [TestProject.zip](https://github.com/Wagnerp/Krypton-Toolkit-Suite-Extended-NET-5.470/files/3486290/TestProject.zip)

Hi Sir, i did AllowFormIntegrate = True QATLocation = Hidden but none of working ...

Hi Sir, RibbonControl, i put into Panel control in Form1 not in Form2 that is the reason .. so i wana hide the title bar in Form1

Hi Sir, I tried with normal windows form panel control and krypton panel control both are same result Thanks.

Hi Sir, Thanks for your valuable time spending for my question.. i added both items (Project,Item) template and tested... this below image is used, item and project template method .....

Hi Sir, Dock property is not available in Ribbon control ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13380400/62802720-354dcd80-bb06-11e9-8b7d-cf3d4c0e9342.png) or is that possible to add group image like below ? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13380400/62802911-abeacb00-bb06-11e9-83f8-179e22c56acc.png)

Thanks for your reply sir ... RTBX = Rich Text Box I am using Rich Text Box for different type of font styles Thanks

i need XML .... k sir thnks for your reply i managed it .... my stackoverflow is about RTF to XML `https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49005971/vb-net-rtf-to-required-xml-format` i tried like this ``` _lamParseRTF = Function()...