Francisco Marin
Francisco Marin
I'm trying to use `gradle-testsets-plugin` to do this, after putting the following simple snippet in my build.gradle the integrationTests are not executed, they are compiled but not executed. Is there...
yeah I got that, I'm running `gradle integrationTest` and that is not executing tests, after attempting w/ debug I noticed these lines during the testIntergration execution. These tests are kotlin...
Finally got my different sourceSets working. I have to add this to discover and execute the tests. ``` tasks.withType(Test) { // was not finding integration tests without this scanForTestClasses =...
I'm getting the following error when authenticating with U2F and 1.0.2 version of okta-aws-cli-assume-role, it works with the browser ``` Multi-Factor authentication is required. Please select a factor to use....
Yes I have AWS app and no it's not app level, it's one MFA for all of Okta and the apps I've got assigned
@AlainODea when I set that property it boots a desktop app to login which has the `Security Key (U2F) is not supported on this browser. Select another factor or contact...