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Hybridization detection using phylogenetic invariants
Dear Professor, Great software! But i am reaching out to discuss an issue I encountered concerning the detection of hybrids. In my analysis, I used four species: A, B, C,...
Dear Paul, I have a qustion about the Gamma. I have 2 species: Cgi and Cdu. Based on Admixture anaylsis, we found that Cdu can be divided into two lineages...
Dear professor, Thanks for the convinient software ! I recently applied HyDe to detect hybridization events among 11 goups. I performed analysis for all combinations of triplets , which revealed...
Greetings @pblischak and @lkubatko, I have been using HyDe as a tool for the analysis of possible hybridization between closely related taxa. The program is working as intended and I...
Dear professor, Great software! I have an issue about the results about the hybrid. Here is the situation of my tests. I use there species of A, B, C and...
Hi Paul, Amazing software! I have several questions about the HyDe. I see the input data should be diploid data or ambiguous sites. But here I have a diploid species...
P1 Hybrid P2 Zscore Pvalue Gamma AAAA AAAB AABA AABB AABC ABAA ABAB ABAC ABBA BAAA ABBC CABC BACA BCAA ABCD sp37 sp48 sp41 12.6491106407 0.0 nan 80640208.0 0.0 0.0...
Things to consider for a slightly updated version of HyDe: - Python has been standardizing its build process - Python 2 is deprecated
Hi I am trying to install Hyde in virtual linux machine. I created a virtual environment with python3.6. and installed HyDe. The installation was completed but got following error after...
Hi @pblischak , I've finished the installation work of HyDe, but I got some error when I typed 'make test', the result as below, `**** Testing run_hyde.py (full analysis). ****...