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Question about Gamma
Dear Paul,
I have a qustion about the Gamma.
I have 2 species: Cgi and Cdu. Based on Admixture anaylsis, we found that Cdu can be divided into two lineages (CduN and CduS), one of which (CduN) has a genetic materials from Cgi. However, since CduN has formed an independent lineage, we hypothesized that CduN may originated from hybridization between Cgi and CduS rather than introgression. When we use run_hyde.py to test the hybrid speciation model, the results showed:
P1 Hybrid P2 Zscore Pvalue Gamma AAAA AAAB AABA AABB AABC ABAA ABAB ABAC ABBA BAAA ABBC CABC BACA BCAA ABCD CduS CduN Cgi 428.8510377954956 0.0 0.8611937436190152 470756052079.9219 244176765829.07812 126521783437.14062 101834410413.57812 8589924142.28125 167230343099.07812 77052006455.64062 8049005766.53125 230809133813.32812 700757697974.7656 281765530293.15625 10934154050.78125 114390769055.53125 153580142922.65625 5715654135.53125
The estimated values of Gamma for these tests were 0.86, which is inconsistent with the data that we input. Because most of the genetic materials of CduN should come from CduS. Does this indicate that CduN does not fit the hybrid speciation model?