Pablo Blanco Celdrán

Results 4 issues of Pablo Blanco Celdrán

After recording, the program throws the error (Although the YML is present) ``` Successfully Recorded The recording data is saved into the file: /home/me/test-demo.yml You can edit the file and...

We've detected intermittent errors through our tests, when consuming the testnet. Seems that somehow the indexer gets overflown by too many parallel requests, and throws `503` errors at random. To...

Although they said that will keep their repositories as readonly (here, the service is giving a 502 error. I'll report for updates during the morning. It should be considered...

I am able to run the project successfully (After upgrading Expo), but I was wondering if there's a solution for live-reloading, instead of having to run `sbt fastOptJS` each time...