I think you can switch out "textarea, iframe{ ...}" in the CSS for body>*{...} as it applies to all elements immediately below body, which is in this case all the...
I'm using Firefox 48.0+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 on Kubuntu 16.04 with AMDGPU-PRO graphics drivers (I mention that as it may be the reason for the issue, the system runs AMD's A8-7600 which is...
Can't click on any of the tabs but can ctrl+tab to cycle on to them, I am using tab-groups. Middle-click close works, right-click to get tab menu works. For me...
The pdf form I tried to convert worked quite well, however the pages of text were cropped very close to the top edge (on screen) and in one case the...
fix typo, fattring -> flattring
added detail about install of phpize on [k]ubuntu and misc. other ubuntu specifics
In the demo on page 3/4 where one comment is nested in the other I can't select the nested comment. Using [Firefox] Nightly 6.0a1(2011-04-22) on Kubuntu 11.04.