Patrick Bezzina
Patrick Bezzina
I'm trying to use the lux library in a Databricks notebook but I'm getting this warning and error after the df.intent statment: Out[10]: /databricks/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/ UserWarning: Unexpected error in rendering Lux...
The current implementation of the conditional WGAN supports only univariate datasets. However in many cases where GAN is used to augment timeseries datasets, the data is composed of multiple feature...
It would great if you could include some visualisation plots to show how the loss (cost) functions behave during training. One such visualisation can be a graph that illustrates the...
Can I use WGAN-GP for timeseries data such as stock data? If yes do I need to preprocess the data to create sequences of say 24 data points in the...
A question about TimeGAN postprocessing. I'm using TimeGAN to experiment with generation of stock returns of a handful of stocks simultaneously, and I'm using a sequence length of 24 following...
I am a Master student doing a research study on the use of DRL in portfolio management. Recently I came across the paper and this repo and I am really...
I set up the environment with the right versions of keras and theano and after fixing some minor issues I am getting the below error when running the command "python...