Paolo Bernasconi

Results 14 comments of Paolo Bernasconi

Agree with you completely. This project was done as more of a proof of concept, until I actually got it to work well. I'll be building it up in the...

All of the plugins can be found in the [`src/plugins/`]( folder, which should be relatively self-explanatory at the moment (at least until I have docs up). The device motion mock...

@jtmarmon I understand your and the community's frustration. I haven't had any extra time in the past few months to update this plugin, especially considering new and better ones have...

I like that idea and I'll look into it, thanks @EdL

hi @hmdinfo which progress indicator are you trying to hide? If you are trying to hide `.showDeterminate()`, or the other _determinate_ indicators I don't believe it will work, because it...

@hmdinfo We're you able to solve your issue?

Unfortunately I'm not able to maintain this project! The Ionic version is outdated and I'm quite busy with other projects these days. If anyone would like to maintain/improve it I...

@skounis Thanks for the PR! I'm going to comment on a few things I'd like edited - would you be willing to update them?

@skounis I've commented on all the issues that popped up - if you make the changes I'd be happy to merge this PR. Please also squash your changes too! On...