
Results 4 issues of pawelkania

When onClosing or onClosed event is used together with overlay (which can close toast) event is called two times. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create two toasts with overlay and overlayClose,...

Why getElementName in MultipleInputColumn have different behavior when there is only one column? I think input should always have name like in multiple option (buttons[0][text], buttons[1][text]) or there should be...


Yii2 migration for Postgres uses bytea for field "data" (see: and bytea is resource in php so unserialize will throw error. This code is taken from Yii2 DbManager:

I'm using Yii2, Codeception and AspectMock, when I'm trying to mock/double static method from parent class then original method is used instad of mocked one. Below example: class Yii extends...