Paweł Jóźwicki
Paweł Jóźwicki
Totally agree. The possibility to add a title for each component definitely should help, but I think we should consider some automation whenever it will be possible.
Hi, I want to confirm if I understand the issue. We support showing a drop target for empty containers, so you are able to show a drop target for: -...
Totally agree.
Thanks, now I see the problem. It's because Page Editor relies on HTML comments, but Vue removes them inside the rendered component. According to documentation [this]( should help. After the...
Yes, let's keep it open until we would prepare the documentation :)
Thanks for the insight. We will discuss it further internally.
We are working on the documentation related to extending the page editor. It should be ready in a few days.
We didn't overwrite On what browser do you have a problem? For verifying an issue I added a button to our assetreference field with ```js this.openLink = () =>...
We remember that, but still working on documentation. If it's urgent then you can use a WebAction ([here is an example]( but we would like to introduce new solution and...
Can you provide a WebSight version on which did you notice the issue? I can't reproduce this exception.