Paweł Antczak

Results 9 issues of Paweł Antczak

Hello. What I want to achieve is exactly what is shown on animation. But, if I set `android:singleLine="true"` text never expands to second line. If single line is not set,...


Hello. Lib version: `1.4.0` I'm experiencing strange behavior of `onUpOrCancelMotionEvent` method in `ObservableListView`. From time to time, ScrollState passed to method is wrong. Different than actual swipe. This problem exists...

Hello. I have two views. One is `ImageView` and the other is `ObservableListView`. Both wrapper in group view: ``` xml ``` What I want to achieve is to gradually hide...

Hello. On one fragment I have lots of different snackbars to show. I don't want to have inner callback class for each of actions. How to do that?


Hello. It is common, that you give users possibility to choose, if they wants to use only wifi or mobile as well. Is it possible, to specify net type dynamically?...


Hello. Please externalize message for: ``` customValueView.setHint("Wrong Input!"); ``` Thank you.

Hello. Just FYI. After release of my app with newly introduced Showcase, I've got NPE report like below: ``` Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.view.ViewConfiguration.get( at android.view.View.( at android.view.ViewGroup.( at android.widget.FrameLayout.(

Hello. Do you plan to share library as maven artifact? Regards.