Same here, i2c is detecting module as 03 on bus 1. And getting very same error, with sudo too. Running on Raspberry Pi 2b.
Hey guys i noticed something interesting. Sensor is actually starting working when GND of Raspberry or sensor ground is connected to earth, or u just touch it with a finger....
Yeah so second option, chunk with player and surrounding chunks - most probably all the calculations like physics, ai, rendering etc. Other chunks - most probably no operations at all,...
Yeah, good point. I could create one global scene registry, for handling stuff like player, craft, inventory, this registry would also probably keep references to chunks being part of a...
Yeah, thanks a LOT, apparently needed someone to just confirm that my ideas are not out of this planet! ;)
Hey, i have the very same issue. Did u managed to fix that problem? I am afraid i will need to downgrade this lib to 2.13.1. Do u need any...
Hmm OP mentioned that downgrade to 2.13.1 is resolving this issue. What do u suggest then?
@ST-DDT going back to 2.13.1 helped (SpringBoot 2.7.12 here). In a free time will take a look at both versions and try to find issue there.