Pawan Phalak
Pawan Phalak
UPDATE: I have added the one more parameter for chaosengine SOCKET_PATH and now helper pods are returning the below error: ` level=fatal msg="Failed to create Interceptor" error="failed to inject interceptor...
Thanks @gdsoumya for the response. I checked for the DNS cache,it is a simple nginx deployment with a cluster ip service named nginx. And I tested it with following script...
Running the DNS chaos on the same nginx pod. Tried using complete hostname as well, but didnt get any DNS error. I also validated with external hostname like as...
We specify the app on which the chaos should run as following in the chaos engine spec right? ```yaml appinfo: appns: "default" applabel: "app=nginx" appkind: "deployment" ``` So in this...
yes containerd.
The helper pod is getting deleted immediately. I tried this experiment multiple times, sometimes the helper pods also went in the error state but the final chaos result was still...
@gdsoumya , I just created a new cluster with docker runtime and the DNS chaos worked as expected. It looks like it has some issues with containerd. Also just wanted...