Kirill Pavlov
Kirill Pavlov
Resource.Meta.is_inherited is used for field definition during queries. Child model name should be used.
If there are two resources Parent and Child, and Parent model is parent for Child model, make sure that ChildResource has ParentResourceAuthenticators authenticators by default. It prevents security issues when...
For some reason django lowercases header name.
It makes query faster.
At the moment pretty table print is implemented in python. The program reads the whole input twice: one to calculate column widths and the second time to actually print. Is... Default sort uses "r" key for reverse order, e.g. `sort -k 2r,2 -k 3,3`. (BATS) (shunit2)
The reason for this is to minify the library and keep only essential scripts.
Command: ``` Stream file.body_descriptor: 3 ['/bin/bash', '-o', 'pipefail', '-o', 'errexit', '-c', 'LC_ALL=C cat /dev/fd/63'] ``` The correct way of calling the command would be: ``` tcat <