Kirill Pavlov
Kirill Pavlov
@chenluyong does `re_path` work the same as `url`? Do you know if a patch ``` try: from django.conf.urls import url except: from django.urls import re_path as url ``` work? (I...
Dear @sevenjay , please take a look at custom exceptions here: to define one, you would need to create custom exception class, inherited from `jsonrpc.exceptions.JSONRPCDispatchException`. Check out this test...
Hi @HMaker you are right. When json-rpc was started, I used it primarily for encoding/decoding. Then response manager came and then optional backends. One of the goal was to maintain...
Hi, @ikv This library's main purpose is to provide a protocol implementation and be as much server agnostic as possible. It does support "request-response" functionality via manager and provides optional...
Hi, @happyleavesaoc Sorry for my late reply. I was out of python development world for a while. Indeed, there is no method to construct response from a string. I see...
Thank you for the proposal! Let me take a closer look at it.
@cjerdonek application is supposed to raise exceptions, inherited from `JSONRPCDispatchException`, so the manager could show a proper message. If an exception is not specified, then here would be a problem...
Hi, @wonderbeyond Thank you for the PR and sorry for coming back late. After closer inspection of your code, I've noticed that there are quite many features there. Some of...
One more thing: dispatcher should not know about any hooks. They could be implemented in manager.
Dear @cjerdonek I have some concerns about that use case. As you mentioned, application might raise an exception, which is not under developer's control. If library would not validate the...