
Results 12 issues of pavlo888

## Short description of the problem I cannot successfully install anvio-7 in a Ubuntu 20.04 environment. I have tried installing it using the yml file and creating a conda environment....

Hi, I was wondering if there is any way to incorporate the output from Scoary into phandango for visualization. As far as I understand, phandango requires a Manhattan plot format...

Hi @fasnicar I have been trying to calculate the **bootstrap** for a phylogeny of ~200 bacterial genomes using Phylophlan and following the recommendations from a previous post ( However, I...

Dear @fasnicar Thanks for this amazing tool! I have already run it once and it went smoothly and the results were very informative. However, I am trying to run the...

Dear, First off, great package!!!! Now, I managed to successfully run the pipeline with the following command `phylophlan -i Selected_genomes_pangenome_20200522 -o output-228-apr2022 -d uniref90_At --trim greedy --not_variant_threshold 0.99 --remove_fragmentary_entries --fragmentary_threshold...

dear, I have successfully managed to apply gotree to a set of >200 bacterial genomes. However, the results I have obtained are incongruent to those I obtained with a multiple-locus...

Hi, I have the scoary gwas output and I was wondering if it is possible to add it to the phandango browser. If I cannot add it directly, any suggestion...

Hi, I have run the following function: library(MicrobiotaProcess) vennlist

Hi, I am trying to import my qza files from qiime2 and I am getting an error. I write down this command: `otuqzafile

So I know this is not the GitHub repository for the pan-genome-visualization package but I am super lost regarding how to make the visualization work. What exactly are the arguments...