Pavel Poley

Results 12 issues of Pavel Poley

Is this library live? I want to create pull request.

Is this library maintained?

Is there way to set mask programmatically? (mask:mask="+7(###)###-##-##")

I started AndroidX project, i am using this dependencies: ``` ` //implementation "com.arello-mobile:moxy:$moxy" implementation "com.arello-mobile:moxy-app-compat:$moxy" annotationProcessor "com.arello-mobile:moxy-compiler:$moxy" implementation 'tech.schoolhelper:moxy-x-androidx:1.7.0'` ``` but in build process getting this error: > Duplicate class...

If BottomNavigation backgroudnTint attribute was set in xml, then you cannot change it dynamically in code anymore. Is this library supported?

Hot to refresh view, like notify data set changed in RecycleView?

Activity survive configuration changes but not survive killing by the system for example when the app was long time in background. To simulate this issue enable "don't keep activities" Developer...

Why is bitrate configuration is `-sample_fmt` and not `-b:a` ? For example when I use `FFmpegBitRate` values nothing changes, the bitrate is always 64k. If I use: `commandBuilder.addAll(listOf("-b:a", "320k"))` The...

Does the mask support format dd/MM/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy depending on locale? I see in source that dd/MM/yyyy mising ``` companion object { private const val INPUT_DATE_FORMAT = "MM / dd...

Is there any migration guide to migrate from this version: ``` implementation 'com.github.stephanenicolas.toothpick:ktp:1.1.2' kapt 'com.github.stephanenicolas.toothpick:toothpick-compiler:1.1.2' ``` Almost all classes not exist anymore.