Pavel Krivanek

Results 44 comments of Pavel Krivanek

introduced in build 118, 116 works well, 117 is missing

introduced by this commint of NewTools:


We already have some mock models. However, in this way we are testing both - the MQ and the Compatibility meta-model. It would be nice to do it in future...

``` IceMethodDefinition(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #load IceTipMergePatchMorph(PSMCPatchMorph)>>loadMethodSelection IceTipMergePatchMorph(Object)>>perform:orSendTo: [ | selArgCount | "show cursor in case item opens a new MVC window" (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [target perform: selector] ifFalse:...

fixed in b3684094e93ed16483d707e4ec61cd42bcba579f

I got this error while connecting using Glorp via P3DatabaseDriver. The password is set to `nil` which may be part of the problem. Then the issue raises from: `P3Client>>#runAuthentication`, specifically...

So the `nil` password is not really an issue, it is set correctly. I was just confused by the fact that Glorp deletes the password from the Login instance after...

to reproduce in my setup, I just need to do ```smalltalk connection := P3Client new. connection host: 'localhost'; port: 5433; database: 'pdmCC'; user: 'pdm'; password: 'somePassword'. connection connect ``` Where...